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Electronic Muisic

Electronic music is music performed with electric instruments, and documentaries suggested it to have an influence on modern fashion, which can be characterized as more casual clothing and intense graphics and colorations. These characteristics can be found in our daily life. 


More casual clothing is pretty reasonable because of the way ravers spend all night dancing. They need comfortable outfit. While people in nightclubs used to wear designer clothing to look cool, they now choose comfortable clothing like Converse. This is a way electronic music has altered elitism in modern fashion. The functionality of clothes grows more and more important as raving and electronic dance music gains popularity. 


One example of intense coloration could be the neon trend in the summer of 2019. As mentioned in the Vogue website, “Neon Green is clearly winter’s hottest trend”. There have been numerous headlines about neon green being the hottest trends, and this is only one of them. Furthermore, models like Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner have posted pictures of them wearing neon green on Instagram. The reason why intense coloration was a part of raving culture was because of the color choice of psychedelic patterns, which is similar to the delusion produced by LSD. “Ravers seek sensory amplification and euphoric transcendence through a combination of marathon trance dancing, drug use and music” .


Kylie Jenner in Neon Green


Does more casual clothing count as an influence on fashion? It sounds more like a functionality change, rather than inspiration or creativity. When we talk about influences on fashion, we talk about inspiration, creativity and individualism. 

Similarly, intense coloration does not count as influence on fahsion, as it is also a functionality change. Since EDM is about pursuing sensory amplification, the intense coloration helps in that and does not count as inspiration. 

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